Monday, June 20, 2011

great, i got the dirty kid in class....

Really, Logan? Trying to look all gangsta as you sport my mascara? Boys, boys, boys. All I can say is-think 18x24 propped up on an easel with your graduation tassels hanging off the corners. Yep, bring it! Go put some clothes on...I swear! How did the most non-naked couple get the kids who hate clothes? 

On another note--have you ever seen such a huge bag of happiness?? 72ozs of itty bitty pieces of joy. L.O.V.E. it.  I think I will jump into it. Wanna know why? My wonderful mother sent the boys shoes. Why would this make me want to sleep in a cacao coma??
 Because they have SQUEAKER THINGYS IN THEM. This makes the boys happy and happy 2 year olds take extra steps. Lots of extra steps. Thanks, Mom. Yep, I know.....karma.

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