Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Yet another addition.....

                                                               Meet Abbie Albright.....aka Cute Craigslist demon.

Oh peeps, I wish I had better news but alas, I shoulda said no.
My hubs was looking at Craigslist, who we should all boycott, and this little girl suckered him in with her big, come rescue me from my current owner who can't keep me, eyes. hubs sees puppy eyes and I see puppy pee.  

She is definitely a puppy, hence the binky and burp cloth. I made that burp cloth, I love making burp cloths. Want one? Have a kid. There's a pretty good chance you'll get one.

I was a little wary of bringing extra Frito paw stank in my house so she needed to plead her case. I drive a hard bargin....whatcha' got little girl?

Oh, you brush your own teeth? Great. Hey, newbie, that's my toothbrush. Well, it was. I saw where you just had your face and let me tell ya', mamma ain't using that anymore. P.S. great first impression....wanna chew anything else that isn't yours....I have some shoes I like or how about a Miche shell? Just let me know what you'd prefer.

I know, it's been a rough week. All the eating, peeing on my rug and hanging with your other Frito paw stink friends that occupy my house. You just relax....on my couch....that I just got steam cleaned. Welcome.

This is what you have to look forward to in a couple years...Dear Craigslist, I hope you crash. That is all. Sincerely, the chick scrubbing puppy pee out of her carpet.

1 comment:

  1. Katie girl is the one you e-mailed me? She is adorable! I showed the pic to Bernie & I got the darts from his eyes and the yellow pages turned to "L"...LOL
