It was fun while it lasted boys....
Boys? Boys? All that dancing really tuckered you out, huh? Well, why don't you get comfy on....your toy pile on your train table. Why don't you share a Boppy, too. Ahhh....who needs a temperpedic when you have a t.v. console from IKEA converted to a train table.
As, you know we had a third kid. It's our last kid. Don't get me started. I know! I wanted a fourth/fifth but I was out voted. I don't get out-voted much. I don't get out-eaten much either. I am blessed with 3 healthy children and a family of 5 is good for us. Remember the show "Party of five"? Did you cry too when it ended? Get that pit in your stomach....ughhh. I digress.
Reese is getting so big she wanted to try her jumperoo. She told me. We dug it out of the basement and plopped her in it.
The boys had a blast bouncing her in it. She tolerated their antics. She had no choice.
Her mother wanted to get pictures.
Seriously, how cute is this? Her cute little legs flailing around wondering what the heck is going on.
Welcome to the craziness that is moving! We got the call that we could close on the house at the beginning of the week and our neighbor said she could be ready to go on Saturday! We toted and packed and pitched and labeled and lugged our possessions from all forgotten corners of the house. It was a challenge living around the boxes and totes but we were so excited we didn't mind that we packed all the towels or knives....
Bare walls....
So helpful....
All this helpfulness is tiring.....
Logan slept on Grandma Albright for a couple hours during moving day.
Cole getting in one last teeth brushing and drink at the old house before we left.
Check this out....take it in. I have gas!! Could anything be more exciting for me?? The new house has a gas stove. Oh, nilly peeps. I want for nothing else.
Yep, that's grilled cheese. I couldn't wait to make something just to fire up that beautiful blue glow so I buttered up some ol' white bread and peeled open some Kraft cheese slices.
The hubs ate like a king that night......
There are approximately 4,683 projects to do at the new place. Now, there are 4,682......How cute is this contact paper? Love it. Almost makes me want to wallpaper a wall.....almost.
Now, before you think I took a picture of a pile of trash, let me explain. Cole wanted to blow his nose.
Ahh....sweet boy, mamma loves you. Mamma loves Costco.
Keep it down, little bird, we are trying to move and unpack. Reese loves her swing. She was so great during this move. I was so excited to give her a room all to herself. I was so excited to have her out of our room.
Here is my new kitchen. I love my new kitchen. It's as big as 3 of my old kitchen and the layout is perfect. See that big, flat thing beside the other big flat thing on the left? It's a dining room table!! A real table. We can all eat together at a real table. Don't get me wrong, eating while balancing a plate on the arm of the couch while hoping the dog doesn't jump off the couch and dump over your cup, is a dream but I'll manage without it. That other big, flat thing is an island. An island so big you could sleep on it. They make Lysol wipes people, live a little.
Here is a view from the living room into the foyer. Reese's swing is behind the knee wall in the top right corner of the picture. Our old living room wasn't even this big. No wonder the boys sleep so well, they get tired out just going from the rec room to theirs!
Looking from the kitchen into the living room. Check out those lights! I want to sink can lights in there....we'll see.
This is the master bathroom looking up to....a skylight!! It's fabulous! The whole thing needs a little freshening up with a "softer" paint color and new fixtures. We'll get there....
My hubs is unpacking wardrobe boxes in our walk-in master closet. If any of you saw our old closet....we earned this one!
This is my sweet girls room. Before. Really, Really before. It will be the first room we do. I picked out the paint and bought the fabric to make curtains. Stay tuned on this one....
Poor Riley, it's so hard being you. We just had all that cleaned so try not to get your slobber or frito paw smell all over it. |
Have you tried these? Wow...they are so very good. Go out and buy a bag, buy two....
I don't know why there is a shell casing on my counter. It doesn't even phase me that there is a shell casing on my counter.
The boys have started putting their cheeks on Reese's forehead in a cute gesture. When she cries or when she smiles at them, they do it. It makes me cry or smile at them. I hope they stay sweet to her. I don't necessarily need them to put their cheek on her forehead in the hall between Math and English at school, but at least give her a hug later at home.
Logan loves to hold Reese. Reese doesn't always love it when Logan holds her. I can't imagine it's all peaches and cream having your 2 year old brother force you to look at the camera. Good girl, Reese. It will be over soon, just look at the camera and then mamma will save you. Or snap some more pictures....
The boys are OBSESSED with vacuuming. I even bought them each a vacuum for Christmas. They have to vacuum a couple times a day. Anything that can be pushed or pulled is a vacuum and they accompany it with custom vacuum noises....all day. Everyday.....
Another thing my boys are OBSESSED with.....awesome. |
Cole: "Hey, let me hold her, that doesn't look too hard." |
"I don't know what the big deal is. She just sits here. " |
"This is boring...." |
"huh! that's better. she was getting heavy...." |
"No, Cole, I don't know why she doesn't want to sit with you, honey." (no baby was harmed in the photographing instead of picking up of the fallen child) |
There is no girl problem in this house that can't be fixed with one of these 2 bottles.
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