Saturday, February 11, 2012

A month of wonderful things.

Happy Snow filled day from The Albright Acres!!

We have been filling our days with all sorts of things. The boys kids got sleds and we wasted no time in putting them to use. Holy cow....when did sledding become an exhausting event? I don't remember wanting to die after sledding as a kid.....

Daddy pulling the boys....He was laughing at me because I was sucking wind after pulling the kids like one time around the yard. 

The indoor stuff was more my speed. We made bird seed hangers for the tree over the deck. 

We wait patiently for the birds to nibble and peck....

Hi, sissy. Yep, your outside in the snow strapped to a piece of hard plastic. Super fun-isn't it?! 

Mom, put the camera down and come pull us around. 

Daddy come he gets all the fun stuff? So glad we made that goat milking/hoof shaving station you see there on the right....Why do we still have it when we no longer have any goats?'s holding up the empty totes. You ask the silliest questions.

Reese fell asleep after our outdoor fun fest (or "prove how out of shape mom is" day).

My sweet boys ran to get her blankets....she is one lucky monkey. 

I wanted to make a salted caramel sauce but couldn't justify just eating it from the pan so I figured I needed to make something to go with it. I decided on a simple apple tartlet. 

The beginning matter how many times I make it I still wonder if it will turn out.  
Without burning....

getting closer....

I didn't take a picture of me adding the cream and watching it bubble and sputter...isn't she perdy?!
Oh, I love homemade sauce.

Here are my little sauce and bubbley out of the oven.

What? Have you seen me? No dessert stands a chance. No, I didn't just put another fork there to make it look like I shared....Andy took a bite. Not my fault he's slow. 

All packed and ready to be enjoyed by my coworkers. 

My little boys are growing up so fast. 
There is so much more to post and share but there is a lonely fork waiting to hang out with my face.
Hope the day finds you enjoying your family!

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