Happy 4th of July! We had a wonderful day. The only thing that would have made it perfect was if Andy wasn't working. We did get to see him a ton, though! The kids were great and Reese was an angel. You never know how the sun and kids are gonna mix until you just get out there. For today at least, the kids were the winners!
Anytime there is anything driveable within the sight line of my boys, they have to "drive it". Fine, kid, get in hurry up. Hold your sister real quick so mommy can take a picture. See the little barrette in her hair- that's to avoid the inevitable "what a handsome boy, looks just like his father" comment. "yeah, thanks, it's a girl." Barrette = clear gender= no veiled snarky comment from the sweaty mom trying to make sure the 2 2 year olds don't drive away in a golf cart.
Proud daddy and his bright eyed beauty.
Hold onto your hats, folks. This is the boys first popsicle! Yep, they don't watch cartoons and this is their first popsicle. It was okay, except when it started dripping and their OCD kicked into hyperdrive. Seriously, just eat it, don't worry about the drips on your hand, or your shirt, or your shorts, or.......
Can you pick out the best part of this picture?? Look to the right......
Caledonia had their hose misting the crowd and the run-off was gushing down the gutters. There's no real non-white trash to say this....the boys had a great time splashing in the gutters!!
Happy Independence Day!
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